“Could not find iPhone X simulator” in react-native after Xcode 10.2 update

1 min readApr 19, 2019


Could not find iPhone X simulator

react-native run-ios

Do the following to solve this

open ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runIOS/findMatchingSimulator.js

This is how this file will look

// Making sure the version of the simulator is an iOS or tvOS (Removes Apple Watch, etc)
if (!version.startsWith('iOS') && !version.startsWith('tvOS')) {

Let's change it to

// Making sure the version of the simulator is an iOS or tvOS (Removes Apple Watch, etc)
if (!version.startsWith('iOS') && !version.startsWith('tvOS')) {
if (!version.startsWith('com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS') && !version.startsWith('com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS')) {

and then run react-native run-ios.

Solved !!



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